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March 30, 2011

A comparison of 3DS RAM to its peers

The 3DS has hypnotized me with its 3D visuals and near perfect port of Super Street Fighter IV, but are those visuals and static backgrounds the best it can muster? Well, according to a post on ifixit, there’s an wealth of untapped resources waiting to be unlocked in the darkest region of the 3DS.
The 3DS is equipped with a Fujitsu MB82M8080-07L, duh. I have no clue what that actually means, and if you do you’re a much better person than I am. What it boils down to is that this chip has 512 megabits FCRAM which equates to 128mb of RAM! Socks = BLOWN OFF.
The OS consumes a standard 32mb of RAM for its multitasking needs which leaves games to play around with 96mb of RAM. And you know what that means? Time to put on your perspective goggles!
  • The Atari 2600 has 126 Bytes of RAM
  • The NES has 2KB of onboard RAM
  • Sega Genesis has 64KB of RAM
  • The N64 contains 4MB of RAM (expandable to 8MB)
  • Playstation 2 has 32MB of RAM
  • PSP has 32MB of RAM
  • The Wii has 88MB of RAM
  • The PS3 has 256 MB of RAM
  • The iPhone 4 has 512MB of RAM
What does this mean? That the 3DS is basically just four PSPs duct taped together.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is pretty impressive!

    Also, since the Wii has 88 MB of RAM, it doesn't seem like 8 MB is that much more. Interestingly enough, though, I have a friend in the industry, and he says that each single megabyte that they have to play with is a sought-after treasure. Every one allows significantly more effects and better textures, so 8 megabytes is pretty substantial.

    I am personally loving my 3DS so far, but I'm excited to see what developers are able to squeeze out if it a year and a half from now!

    Loved the Chris Hecker jab at the end, by the way... :)



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