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March 03, 2011

Game Deals - March 3rd 2011

Free t-shirt with Epic Mickey game purchase: Epic Mickey (Wii, $39.99, save $10.00)

AMAZON DEALS - All orders qualify for free Super Saver shipping with a combined order of $25 or more. All orders sold or fulfilled by Amazon.
Nintendo franchise deals: New Play Control! Pikmin (Wii, $15.74, 48% off)ExciteBots with Wii Wheel (Wii, $28.99, 42% off)FlingSmash with Wii Remote Plus bundle (Wii, $34.99, save $15.00)Fossil Fighters (DS, $12.99, 57% off)Glory of Heracles (DS, $9.99, 67% off, free S&H)Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness (DS, $19.57, save $10.42),Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time (DS, $18.99, save $11.00)Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii, $39.54, free S&H, save $10.45)ExciteBots (Wii, $19.39, 50% off)WarioWare: D.I.Y. (DS, $16.99, 58% off)Rhythm Heaven (DS, $12.95, 57% off)Picross 3D (DS, $19.95, free S&H)The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS, $30.63, free S&H, save $9.36)Advance Wars: Days Of Ruin (DS, $18.98, save $11.01)Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Wii, $29.96, free S&H, save $20.03)Star Fox Command (DS, $16.96, save $13.03),Endless Ocean: Blue World (Wii, $29.99, free S&H)
$20 off Wii hardware bundles with Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort ($179.99, free S&H):Black Wii bundleWhite Wii bundle

DS Trailers - Okamiden - new characters

Available 3-15-2011
(Rated E10+)
(More Trailers Here)


The Ultimate Pokémon Experience Hits Rockefeller Center(R) on March 5th


New York’s famed Rockefeller Center® will be the epicenter of an over-the-top Pokémon™ celebration as Nintendo prepares to launch the new Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version video games for the Nintendo DS™ family of systems across North America. On March 5, at the Nintendo® World store, fans will gather for a spectacular launch event and the chance to be among the first in the nation to buy the games in advance of their official March 6 release. Grammy-nominated alternative rock band The Presidents of the United States of America will perform a new song titled “Can’t Stop Catchin’ ’Em All” written in celebration of the Pokémon Black Version and Pokémon White Version games.

Awesome Stuff - Beating Ninja Gaiden with a dance pad

Eight months is a long time to commit yourself to something like this. Congrats on a job well done!


Video Game Orchestra Opens The Doors To Boston Symphony Hall April 1st 2011

Video Game Orchestra opens the doors to Boston Symphony Hall on April 1st 2011. This is the very first time a video game music themed event is held at this prestigious venue.

This event will highlight the music that has paralleled the mainstream success of video games and film. The night will consist of music, performed by the Video Game Orchestra, consisting of an orchestra, choir, and a rock band.

In attendance we will have Alan Silvestri (Back to the Future, Forrest Gump, and Cast Away), Wataru Hokoyama (AFRIKA and Resident Evil 5) and Yasunori Mitsuda (Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, and Xenogears). The concert also features a performance by the 90-member world-pop group, Rhythm of the Universe. Expect some of your favorite video game music pieces to appear along with some of the world's favorite movie themes. The concert is directed by Shota Nakama and conducted by Yohei Sato.

Tickets are now on sale at http://www.vgo-online.org/ and http://www.bso.org/bso/mods/perf_detail.jsp?pid=prod3890054

Thanks to GoNintendo


3DS VC NEWS - SEGA announces initial 3DS VC Game Gear line-up

For those who don't know, the 3DS will have older classic games to download to the system just like the Wii.
- Sonic and Tails 2
- Sonic Drift 2
- Columns
- The GG Shinobi
- Dragon Crystal: Shirani's Maze

Thanks to GoNintendo


DS Trailer - Pokemon Reshiram/Zekrom Trailer 2

Thanks to GoNintendo


More 3DS Footage - Nintendogs + Cats

Thanks to GoNintendo


Awesome Stuff - NES becomes an HTPC, turns your FOF upside down

More Pics HERE


Awesome Stuff - Korg M01 cover of 'Bubbly Clouds' from Kirby's Dream Land

For those who don't know, the Korg M01 is a game
that was released on the DS for making your own tunes.

Thanks to GoNintendo


Super Mario 3DS Uncovered: What We Know So Far

Check out this cool little feature on what we know so far about the New 3DS Mario.
(Feature HERE)


Iwata's GDC 2011 keynote

Just in case you missed it,
go HERE <--Nintendo Website


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